Prioritize Content and Structure Before Display

The Pitfalls of Favoring Trends over Substance

Unfortunately, many individuals and businesses initially focus on arbitrary "trendy" engagement for publicity before creating and adequately structuring the content, information, or data to provide to their audience. When not correctly executed, this trendy but improper approach can negatively impact your business, such as a loss of credibility, and a decrease in customer trust. Because that approach is so common, many creative and development providers who provide the service uncaringly take advantage of the overlooks to quickly and easily complete the service to get paid. The result is that adequately presented branding plus content, information, or data instead appears "trendy."

Best Practices for Receiving Proper Creative and Development Projects

The best way to avoid the visually trendy but improper implementation approach for creative or development projects is to:

  • Provide documented branding and fully approved pre-written or format instructed (max/min amount of characters, importance ordering, specific project rules, and other requirements) content, information, or data.
  • If a service provider is basing their service promotion on arbitrary templates (not working specifically with your requirements), make sure there are realistic examples that apply content, information, or data that properly fit your industry and needs. You will have more proof that your project is in good hands.
  • Avoid using software-as-a-service solutions to represent your business or project because specific representation is impossible. Solutions that are generic, bloatedly implemented, and do not specifically address your business or project requirements have a high chance of not properly resonating with your audience.

A. J. Edgar Craft Requests Branding, Content, Information, And The Necessary Structure

This company does not just provide arbitrary "trendy" creative solutions; its goal is to provide practical solutions that benefit your business or project properly. If you need branding and structure for material, there are services to assist. Choose an alternative provider if your business or project needs quick-and-dirty rush jobs. However, A. J. Edgar Craft provides a management service to ensure other providers do not mishandle you.